Friday, December 21, 2007

We and Our life

I am not my life. My life occures on me.

Normally we are so deeply involved in our day to day life issues that we feel that we are nothing but this life. Thus we get highly effected by the ups and downs of this life circumstances. The fact is that we are actually something deeper then this life or happenings in our mind. What we are is actually something very stable and a peacefull existance. This life happenings are just experiences we are made to go through. One example to understand this situation can be like this. We are basically like a white screen of a movie hall on which various movies are projected. Movie story has ups & downs and characters of movie go though various emotions. Our life is similar to the story of movie. However the deeper aspect of us, the Screen remains as it is. Permanent and white. Though this Screen ( our realself ) does not change and has no impact on the movie but the movie cannot happen without this screen. Similarly, our life cannot happen without our soul. Thus the screen can be considered as our soul( our real self). Our mind & life can be considered as the movie which is projected on the us( the soul). In other words we can say that ' My life(movie) occurs on me(soul)'

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Where GOD lives?


did u liked it?

Here is some explanation if needed.

We all are basically the consciousness. This is core of us and due to which we are aware of ourself. However, most of us have forgotten this Identity ( or Identity lessness) of ourself and we consider our Mind as we. Our Mind is our mental personality which consists of our memory, experiences, emotions, likes, dislikes, relationships, views, knowledge etc. Most of us consider our Mind as I. This creates attachments, desires, aversions which are the source of all human sufferings. This 'I' is actually an illusion. The journey of removal of this illusion, and thus getting ourself to our true identity of consciousness is the real spiritual journey. This can also be considered GOD realisation or finding GOD(in a common term). But this journey is very very tough. We are drawn again and again to this illusive identity of our mind. That is why it has been considered as a huge mountain. Crossing this mountain of 'I' is like getting above 'I'.At consciousness level we don't have separate identity and so 'I' does not exists. So if we are able to get over our 'I', we can find GOD!

please share your views on this thought.